About Me
Hi, I am Annemarie, storyteller, author and former scientist in the field of computer science. I teach the art of storytelling to scientists and fact-tellers in group trainings or individual lessons and write fiction and non-fiction for science and factual communication.

I want everyone to be able to experience science, not just those of us who have spent years studying a particular subject and stacked a PhD on top. I want scientists to enjoy and improve their communication, so that no one has to sit through a boring conference talk or read a text that hides its insights behind a jungle of “fancy” words. Contact me, if this is what you want.
Here are a few examples of my work:
- A science fiction story about the research of emergenCITY, illustrated by Lea Holaus
- A fictional story bringing the vision of the eHUB to life, illustrated by Lea Holaus
- A Christmas film fun project about asynchronous communication, featuring emergenCITY’s missions – I developed the storyboard and worked on the production with scientists and science communicators from emergenCITY and TU Darmstadt
Storytelling is an art. Science is an exact art.
Photos (main page) by wes lewis on Unsplash, Mimi Thian on Unsplash and Magnet.me on Unsplash.